Nursing Definition Essay

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The scientific definition of a nurse is “a person educated and licensed in the practice of nursing”, which is “the practice in which a nurse assists the individual, sick or well, in the performance of those activities contributing to health or its recovery” (Myers, 2009, 1300-1301). To me, the definition of nurse is someone who is non-judgmental, caring, skilled, and an ethically moral person whose main focus is the patient. They must be a caregiver, teacher, communicator, and advocate. They must be honest, truthful, and respectful in all aspects of their care. Nurses must always show the patient dignity and respect without judgment. We must provide them with a professional behavior that is within the scope of our legal and ethical nursing practice. We must always strive to be the best patient advocate for our patients.
Since I was a small child, I have always been known as the “motherly type”. I have always been the one that watches over and takes care of everyone. My youngest sister was born two months premature, and had a difficult life dealing with her many medical problems. As a child, I remember being the one who …show more content…

(Kubsch S, Hansen G, Huyser-Eatwell V, 2008, 39, 375-284). Another reason is that more and more hospitals are wanting to be recognized with a magnet status of nursing excellence. Therefore, more and more hospitals are requiring their nurses to have a BSN degree. (Caldwell, Roby-Williams, Rush, Ricke-Kiely, 2009). Personally, I want to be able to tell my son that I received my bachelor’s degree. I also prefer not to continue working on the floor, 12 hour shifts, for the next 40 years. My hope is to continue to move up with the company that I am currently with, either in case management, infectious control, or as a clinical liaison. Any of these jobs will require a

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