Nursing Documentation In Nursing

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The medical records are required by federal, non-government and state and local agencies. The medical records assist in communication among health providers and other multidisciplinary team in nursing and health care settings. Thus, the provision of planning and implementing patient health care and other recommended treatment based on the information presented in the medical records.
In the nursing perspective, the patient assessment, including the initial, shift assessment of the patient is a significant purpose of the nursing documentation. Consequent to the planning of health care, implementation of care and evaluation of the treatment provided.
The vitality of the nursing documentation cannot be emphasized more than as part of the standard …show more content…

When care is not documented in the patient’s medical record, there is an assumption of an even more serious departure from professional standard (Guido, 2014).
The process and timing of the nursing documentation of the above incident failed the standard of nursing practice. It is significant in documenting observations and unusual occurrences in a timely manner to avoid omission of the important and pertinent information of the incident.
The nurse-defendant could have provided a late entry in a reasonable time frame, and a reason for the delay of the documentation. More so, an immediate provision of care to the patient by accelerating the physician’s evaluation and intervention could have avoided injury and damage to the …show more content…

The coverage conditions outline the insured duties and responsibilities during the claim. In the sample insurance policy, the defense cost includes the reasonable and necessary costs incurred in the legal case.
The sample liability insurance policy indicates the clauses and sections that are hard to find. In addition, the provision of the policy has a vague explanation of the coverage. The covered injury that indicates the type of injuries the insurance will honor is not presented and explained in detail.
In the case of the wrongful death in the nursing home lawsuit, the provision of an insurance policy must include the declarations, limits of liability, coverage agreements, and deductibles. In addition, the clauses in the insurance policy such, exclusions, reservation of rights, defense cost, supplementary payments and coverage conditions must be outlined.
The legal case indicates the professional judgement issue and negligence of the nursing supervisor. Therefore, the professional insurance company of the nursing home administrator must be the responsible in the damage and injury in this

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