Nursing Home Insurance: Case Study

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that, “I have no nursing home insurance, due to the fact that I saved money which resulted in me having a nice home and nice cars. In order for me to continue to own these I do not have any debt because when I get a balance on my credit card I immediately pay it off” (Bill Miller). Now that is someone who knows how to effectively manage their money by paying off any bills immediately and not having to worry about debt and have nice things because he pays them off immediately. Along with both the people that I interviewed giving responses to the questions that were asked of them there were actually a lot of things that were similar between both of them. Since Mr. Miller and my grandmother are roughly the same age and grew up and raised their …show more content…

Miller are not the exact same person and always agree with one another everyday on certain topics the answers where different on certain questions asked. With Mr. Miller the main reason that he retired was the fact that he already had his secondary income with the combination of both rental and retail properties that he owned and the 80-year retirement benefit. Whereas with my grandmother it was due to the fact that my grandfather had already lived down in the Ozarks and wanted to move from St. Louis down to the Ozarks to be with him as he finished up the final years of his career. Due to the fact the Mr. Miller had his 80- year retirement benefit from his previous employer he mentioned the fact that he had a pension and that you should work hard while at the same point have fun. On the other hand my grandmother stressed the importance that they took classes from AARP that taught them certain aspects on how to effectively retire and live with in a budget. Along, with the fact that a person should not jump into retirement with out being prepared in one-way or another. Lastly, my grandmother has both a long term care policy for her self and a five year plan for my grandfather and does not allow my grandfather to be the only who manages the finances. In contrast, Mr. Miller does not have nursing home insurance and stressed the importance of saving money, having no debt, which allows the luxuries of having both nice cars and a nice