
Nursing Home Research Paper

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1. Assistance with daily tasks - nursing homes provide assistance to their residents with daily activities such as bathing, dressing, eating, drinking, using restroom, running errands and administering medicine. Typical daily tasks can become increasingly difficult with old age. Many seniors lose their driver 's license at some point and are no longer able to drive to the grocery store or local pharmacy.

2. Social environment - residing in a nursing facility provides seniors with a built-in social network of their peers. Senior residents can enjoy the company of others who are living in the same facility and share their experiences. Many nursing facilities also offer organized social events open for participation from all residents. Many senior …show more content…

Safety - the elderly are frequently targets of physical, emotional and financial abuse. Living in an assisted living facility offers seniors a protected environment to help insulate them from possible abuse. Imagine if a senior was living alone and forgot to lock their front door at night due to Alzheimer 's or dementia suffering. Nursing homes offer greater levels of security and protection than seniors who are living alone or un-supervised.

7. Access to resources - while living in a nursing home, residents enjoy easy access to whatever resources they might need. Nursing home residents don 't have to worry about learning how to use the internet or holding on the phone while trying to obtain information. The nursing home staff will help residents find the information they need quickly and efficiently.

8. Relieving your family - many family members become caretakers for elderly parents or relatives. Many of these people have their own lives with busy work schedules, children, obligations, etc and don 't have enough time to attend to their own personal lives while providing constant care to their elderly family members. By living in a nursing home, the senior citizen is taking a burden off their younger family members and is also receiving care from dedicated professionals who are available

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