Nursing: Grand Theory Analysis

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The threorectical foundations of nursing is broad and enriched in nature as it has evolved over the years to meet practicioner’s and patient needs. These needs include patient care, ethics, and researach. An examination of nursing’s theorectical foundations helps to understand how nursing has evolved over the years. This is important because as professionals we must learn from the past to better serve our patients in the future as our proffesion evolves to meet new social and medical challenges
Grand Theory
The nursing theory that most relates to my field of practice is grand theory. Grand theories are very significant to nursing and usually involved in areas of research and clinical practice
(McEwan, 2014). Grand theories tend to be the …show more content…

Criteria for Theory Analysis
According to Fawcett, “Analysis is a non-judgemental detailed examination of the theory” (McEwen, 2014, p. 100).
1. Theory’s origin: The origin of the theory is simple. It is where the theory came from or originated from (McEwen, 2014). It is also important to ask yourself what is the theorists assuming about nursing? (McEwen, 2014).
2. Unique focus: Here you are looking at the “distinctive views of the metaparadigm concepts” (McEwan, 2014, p. 101). Also, looking for the relation in nursing, nurse and patient condition or communication and nursing interventions (McEwen, 2014).
3. Content: When looking at the content of a theory, you are looking at particular criteria (McEwen, 2014). This criteria includes: “previous research reports and the practical application of the theory” (McEwen, 2014, p. 101). It is also important to look into detail the theory’s impact on nursing (McEwen, 2014).

Criteria for Theory Evaluation
1. When looking at the significance of a theory, you are looking at the context of the theory (Fawcett, 2005). Need to be thinking about why is this a good theory for the field of nursing? (Fawcett, 2005). Here is where “judgements are made on how the theory satisfies certain criteria” (McEwan, 2014, p.