Obama The Audacity Of Hope Summary

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This is a book that contains Obama's perspective on certain things such as politics, the two political parties, and his stances on how the system works, how he grew up, and his morals. The date that it was originally published was October 17, 2006. At this time, Barack Obama was a Senator in Illinois of the Democratic Party. He mostly talks about ideas and beliefs that Republicans and Democrats have in Chapter 1. He discusses policies, and how the Republicans favor the wealthy, and his concerns with things like that. In the Prologue, Obama discussed what he personally believed, which included wealthy Americans being favored over average Americans when it came to conservative ideas, and this upset him. He claims to believe in people having the freedom to speak their minds and have freedom of beliefs. Now this paper will get into details and onto the analysis of the title.

In his book, Senator Obama (he was a Senator of Illinois in 2006 before he became the President during the 2008 Election) was trying to state his ideas to people for an upcoming campaign, and his beliefs which are liberal and freely thought. He …show more content…

It isn't necessarily biased, but it gives the right ideas to being open about politics, discussions, and debates. He expressed himself with well and wrote with much detail. Some say there is a possibility that Obama had hired an author to write this for him. Whether that is true or not, the book says what everyone likes to hear and what he wants to say, and inform us about. I think this is a very good book, especially for people who want to know more about Barack Obama, whether it is his personal life, what he has done to get here, and his ideas that represent what people who think liberally truly want to hear. There are people that say this