Obesity In America Essay

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Throughout the years, the obesity rate in America has been dramatically increasing. Obesity is when a person has too much body weight which can be defined by a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or above. ("Obesity." 1). There is a difference between feeling fat or being slightly overweight and being obese. Feeling fat is a thought or perception that someone has about themselves or someone else. Being obese is a medical diagnosis. You can tell the difference by using a BMI which calculates the average of how much body fat a person may have by inputting the person's height and weight to determine whether or not the weight suits the average amount for the height and weight that was imputed.(“Obesity Prevention Source”,1). Obesity is becoming a serious …show more content…

In every fast food restaurant they offer a kids menu option which includes a toy. It’s advertized in a way which is purposely in between kids shows to draw their attention to their items. “In fact, ostracizing fatty meals that come with plastic promotional toys could have the unintended consequence of making the product even more appealing to kids, says Chicago-based nutritionist and msnbc.com contributor Janet Helm, R.D., who writes a blog called Nutrition Unplugged. “(Helm,1) As Janet Helm stated, the toys that are being sold help persuade the children to go to a fast food restaurant. But that's not the only way fast food restaurants draw children into their doors, they host birthday parties and play places. And the most important is the mascots that draw the children. For example, McDonald's have Ronald Mc Donalds the clown, Wendy’s have Wendy's(the girl), and lastly Burger king has a mascot of a king of the burgers. The fast food industry needs to stop targeting the children because it's increasing the child obesity rate. Therefore the fast food industry should stop selling promotional toys to the children so that they won't be as drawn to the greasy fattening products that the fast food restaurants