Obesity In America Essay

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Obesity in America To start, Obesity in America is a huge problem. As Americans become more obese, their well-being declines significantly, as measured by Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index scores. I thin adding certain standards to fast food restraunts could help change the problem. Adults in obese class III, those considered morbidly obese, had the lowest average well-being of any weight group, at 50.9, in 2014. This compares with 54.7 for those in obese class II and 57.5 for those in obese class I. We should set nutrition standards for fast food restaurants to meet in order to stay open. We should lower the calories in some of the meals, such as Big Macs and Whoppers. A big mac is a average of 536 calories and a whopper is a average of 710 calories. Eating fast food every day can put you at risk for heart disease, strokes, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. Most meals exceed sodium recommendations and thus may affect your blood pressure. Furthermore, Approximately 17 percent of children and teenagers from ages 2 to 19 were obese from 2011 to 2012. By ages 12 to 19, children and adolescents were 20.5 percent were obese. More than one-in-12 children are obese in early childhood which is 8.4 percent. More than 2 percent of young children were severely obese, 5 percent of 6-to-11-year-olds were severely obese and 6.5 percent of 12- to …show more content…

In addition, fast food restaurants cause 19% of obesity in America and the rate is still increasing. Among 9th grade children, a fast food restaurant within a tenth of a mile of a school is associated with at least a 5.2 percent increase in obesity rates. You could easily take in 1,500 calories from just one meal alone. Keep in mind that a general caloric recommendation for Americans is 1,500-1,800 calories per-day and around 50-60 grams of total

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