Hazardous Waste Essay

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1.1) Hazardous Waste
Hazardous waste can be defined as waste that even in low concentrations, has the potential to have a significant adverse effect on the public health and the surrounding environment due to the inherent toxicological, chemical and physical characteristics that it possesses.

1.2) Handling of Hazardous Waste
Hazardous waste requires stringent control and management, to prevent harm or damage and hence liabilities. It may only be disposed of in a hazardous landfill. [1]
The ‘precautionary principle’ should always be applied, hence waste should always be regarded as Hazardous whenever there is any doubt about the potential danger the waste could pose on humans and the environment.

1.3) Objectives of hazardous waste management are as follows [1]:
• To ensure the correct identification and …show more content…

• To classify the Hazardous Waste landfill at which the waste may be disposed.
• To indicate the amount of a hazardous substance or compound that can be disposed of at a particular Hazardous Waste landfill site before it begins to pose a risk.

Figure 3.3.1: Landfill Classification System [2].

3.4) Hazardous Waste Landfills
Hazardous waste can only be disposed of at a landfill designed specifically for the disposal of hazardous waste and must be legally permitted by the Department, in terms of the Environment Conservation Act.
The hazard ratings have different treatment and disposal requirements. Hazardous waste landfills are therefore divided into two types according to the hazard rating of the waste that they are designed to handle. H:H landfills can accept all hazard ratings of waste, while H:h landfills can only accept Hazard Ratings 3 and 4 and general wastes