Verbally Observation

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Verbally engage in discussions about plants using appropriate voice levels such as using a louder voice outside and a softer voice inside.
Verbalise two observations relating to plant texture, appearance and smell during the garden walk.
WA Curriculum

Verbally respond to at least one student’s idea or observation while discussing the parts of a plant and demonstrate active listening behaviours by looking at the speaker and using appropriate body language.
Verbally share at least one observation or idea during group discussions about what they think the different parts of the plants are called.

WA Curriculum

Write a prediction about what plants need to survive using a capital letter and full stop to signal …show more content…

During the garden walk discussions, children will need to speak louder to be heard due to external noise compared to the think-pair-share activity in class.
Make observations of the garden/plants using sight, smell, and touch and verbally sharing two of these observations with the class during the garden walk. For example, “This flower smells like oranges”, and “this leaf feels rough”.

WA Curriculum
Assessment Indicator
Respond to at least one student’s idea or observation during group discussions about plant parts. Students will demonstrate active listening skills by looking at the person speaking, using appropriate body language such as nodding and by responding appropriately to the speakers’ ideas/observations.
Based on the observations of real plants, students will share at least one observation or idea during group discussions about what they think the different parts of the plants are called.
WA Curriculum
Assessment Indicator
Write at least one sentence predicting what a plant needs to survive using a capital letter at the beginning of the sentence and full stop at the end.
Able to write at least one question about what plants need to survive, which they will have the opportunity to ask during the excursion. For example, do plants need …show more content…

For example, point to the first Lego block and state, “One”, then point to the second Lego block and state, “two.”
Students will verbally share their ideas and thinking as they respond to at least one question during group discussions about what they believe will happen to a plant if it is deprived of its essential recourse. For example, I think the plant will die if it does not get any air.
WA Curriculum
Assessment Indicator
Use correct posture and pencil grip when writing some lower case using learned letter formations and combine these into words to write a sentence about what fruit or vegetable they like (“I like…”).
Verbally respond to at least one question to share their knowledge about fruit and vegetables during group class discussion. For example, I know fruit comes in a big truck. My Dad drives those trucks.
WA Curriculum
Assessment Indicator
Produce a short text to record their investigation. Using familiar words and beginning writing knowledge students will name the fruit or vegetable they cut open, if it was a fruit or vegetable and what made it a fruit or vegetable.
Able to answer yes or no to the question, “Do you think this item is a fruit?” by placing a sticky note in the yes or no column