Occupational Segregation In The Workplace

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Gender, and in particular issues surrounding gendered occupations/segregations and gender inequalities in a work place, is a heavily researched topic with countless pieces of literature discussing these issues. This paper aims to explore the relationship between stereotypical gendered work and individuals in working class communities, to try and establish whether individuals who are brought up in a working class environment, will inevitably end up in gender segregated occupations.. The issue surrounding whether organisations create inequality regimes, will also be a topic discussed in the paper, to try and establish whether organisations who set up factories requiring low skilled work in working class areas area aiding in the issues surrounding …show more content…

Occupational segregation by sex can be seen all around the world, however, the types of jobs that are deemed to be masculine or feminine will vary from country to country (Cross, S., Bagilhole, B., 2002). Occupational segregation by definition is “the tendency for women to work in systematically different occupations and industries than men” (Barbulescu, R., Bidwell, M., 2013, pp737). To give a simple example of the kind of work we mean when discussing the segregation, we can see men 's work as being labour intensive e.g. a builder, and women’s work to be more emotional or service work, such as caring or nursing. Again, these are very basic and broad examples. Employers can be viewed as being one of the major factors in causing these segregations (Barbulescu, R., Bidwell, M., 2013). This is sometimes know as the 'demand side ' influence (ibid). The demand side influences have usually be blamed for the reasons women have missed out in the labour market. However, studies have started to be done that analyse the supply side of this relationship (ibid). The supply side focuses on how men and women may choose differently when apply for jobs (ibid). The reasons for the segregation is an extremely heavily debated topic amongst academics, with no singular factor being agreed upon as the cause. Instead, it is widely accepted that there are numerous factors involved. However, for the purposes of this paper, we will focus upon the supply side to try and determine whether individuals apply for certain jobs do so out of the want to do the job, or whether they are conforming to social

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