Occupational Therapy Career

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All my life I knew that when I grew up I wanted to choose a profession that involved helping change lives. When I was in high school I heard about occupational therapy. I knew that was exactly what I wanted to do. To become an occupational therapist, you must have many traits. You must be able to communicate well. Occupational therapist must be able to listen attentively to what their patients tell them, and be able to explain clearly what they want them to do. You also must also be able to plan and organize. Planning out what each patient is going to do each day is an important part of the job. Lastly, you must have a strong work ethic and dedicated to your job. Employers want to hire people who love what they do, and who they can depend on. I believe that I am a very dedicated and hard worker. This is something that I have to offer to my future employer. I will never show up and half way do the job. I always make sure my work is done. I will also always show up to work. I will never call in just because I feel that I need a day off. I will always be there ready to work. A skill that I need to improve upon is my organizational skills. I have a hard time staying organized, but have started to improve …show more content…

The mother of the kids that I babysit is an occupational therapist. This is the person that has been a role model to me and inspired me to become an occupational therapist myself. She is the most hard working and dedicated person I have ever met. She spends her days working with the elderly at the nursing home. There are not many people who start their days at 5am, just simply because they love what they do. After explaining to her my interest in occupational therapy, she invited me to come spend the day with her at work. That day with her was such an exciting day. I got to learn everything about what an occupational therapist does. That’s when I knew that it was a career that I could spend the rest of my life