Ocean Pollution In America Essay

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Americans have always liked to believe that they are number one. Typically, when this is aid its in reference to the army, economy, imports, ext. However, America is also number one in a much more negative way. According to the Washington Post America has caused more global warming than any other country in the world. As an American citizen myself, this is not a statistic I want to be number one in. However, all the environmental issues can’t sole be placed on America, the whole world is using unsustainable practices. These practices have begun and will continue to destroy the earth we depend on. The biggest threat to the planet currently is the state of our oceans. They are filled with plastic, have critically low levels of fish, and the animals …show more content…

This slogan plastered in schools across America may help school children recycle their plastic forks but it is not enough to save the oceans. Millions of tons of trash every year are dumped into the ocean. This trash doesn’t magically melt, like a witch, once it hits the water. It will collect in the ocean and become hazardous material which affects marine life. Some animals will try to eat the plastic, and others will get stuck inside it. It will also kill thousands of unfortunate marine animals every year. In an article “what is ocean pollution” by conserve-energy-future the statistics given are shocking. One of the statistics provided by the article discusses the fatal reality plastic has on marine life “Over one million seabirds are killed by ocean pollution each year. Three hundred thousand dolphins and porpoises die each year as a result of becoming entangled in discarded fishing nets, among other items. One hundred thousand sea mammals are killed in the ocean by pollution each year.” If the word animal was replaced by humans in this statistic, there would be a huge outrage. People would be doing everything in their power to lower the amount of ocean pollution produced. Humans may not be one of the species specifically mentioned in the article, but ocean pollution is fatal to humanity as

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