Oedipus The King

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Life of Oedipus Rex
Literary Analysis

Oedipus Rex was a tragic hero in his title story. He mostly doesn’t know he’s the murderer until the end of the story. The prophesy that was told to Oedipus about the one who killed his father and married his mother.

Oedipus is mostly contrasts to Jocasta, she did not know that her husband is her own son; she did not know him due to what happened from many years ago. The former King and Jocasta abandoned baby Oedipus due to the prophesy. She is married to the king and he is murderer by his own son and married to his mother. At the end, she knows the prophesy is real, She tells Oedipus to stop him from questioning to find out the truth, and so she had no choice but to kill herself by hanging.


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