Oh Man You Re In Trouble Again Analysis

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Journal Entry 2
Chapter 2: “Oh, Man, You’re In Trouble Again!”
Date of Entry: 6/24/16 During the second chapter, we learn about Rameck. Rameck came from a Public school to a Catholic school. He didn’t adjust well and seemed to get in trouble quite often. He was sent to the principal’s office for the third time in one week. He got in trouble for attempting to get a pencil stuck to the ceiling. During his visit to the office he was told that he was going to be placed in special education. Special education is where the pace is much slower and the classes are smaller, but the pace in his regular class wasn’t the problem. The problem is that he already learned all the stuff that they are teaching him from his old school, and because of that he gets his work done fast. When he finishes his work, the rest of the class is still working and that’s when he gets himself in trouble. Rameck gets bored and starts misbehaving, and that is a problem. When he got home from school, his mom was sleeping so he walked to his grandmother’s house. Where he told her that he was going to be placed in …show more content…

Before I went to a Public school, I went to a Catholic school. For six years I went to my Catholic school, so it was weird to be told that I was going to a Public school. When I started at my new school, I was nervous. I didn’t know anybody and I missed my friends. All I wished for was to be back at my old school. When I walked through the doors of my new school, I was immediately scared. There were so many emotions going through mind, and I didn’t know what to expect. I was so ready to not give my new school a chance, but I saw other kids that were nervous because for some it was their first day of middle school. I worried for no reason because I met several friends and realized that I liked my new school better than my old school. At first the transition was difficult, but I got through it and it was one of the best years of my