Old Baby Milestones

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The first month of your baby's life is an amazing time of change: they are beginning to become more aware of the new world around them. One of the 1 month old baby milestones is having more sensory awareness and is growing stronger each day – though she will still need plenty of support when raising her head even a little. Development in all babies is different, and premature babies will probably be a little later in reaching key milestones than their peers. As you learn to adjust to your baby's needs here are some changes to look out for: 1 month old baby milestones: How is my baby growing? Babies often lose weight during the first few days of being born, and all babies typically lose around 10% of their birth weight before stabilising again …show more content…

Babies are born with reflexes like sucking, and soon after birth, he will be able to (with a little help from you) latch on to your breast or teat to feed. Put your finger into your baby’s hand, and he'll close his fist around it tightly. The Moro reflex also means that when babies are startled they will flare both arms and legs and pull them in. Although babies have lots of reflexes at one month old, they will still need to be given neck support whenever you lift them. • Top Tip! • Easy exercises like moving your baby's legs in a bicycling motion for a couple of minutes will help to tone the muscles and prepare her for crawling and walking – because your little one will be on the move before you know it! 1 month old baby milestones: How much should my baby be eating? Make sure you allow your little one to feed whenever they seem hungry. About 8-12 times a day is normal in 24 hours for newborns. A good way to keep track of this is to check how many nappies your baby gets through each day. There should be plenty of wet nappies and three soiled or pooey nappies for breastfed babies, normally only one poo per day if your baby is taking formula. Remember at around six weeks of age, breastfed babies may go several days without a bowel movement. Speak to your health visitor if you are concerned your baby isn't taking enough milk. 1 month old baby milestones: What can my baby