Old Kingdom Funerary Rituals: Nephthys

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Nephthys, an Egyptian goddess who protected of the dead, comforted the living relatives of the dead, and comforted a woman during childbirth. She was the sister-consort of Seth along with being the sister of Isis and Osiris. Also Nephthys was the mother of Anubis. The first mention of Nephthys is in Old Kingdom funerary literature. Nephthys was associated with funerary rituals and was respected not as death, but as one who guides the newly deceased. Nephthys is shown most often on coffins or in funeral scenes. Nephthys is often shown as a woman with hieroglyphic symbols on top of her head spelling her name, though sometimes she is depicted as a kite, or some kind of hawk. Her hair is compared to strips of cloth used to shroud bodies of the