Oliva's Counseling: A Case Study

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The quality of one’s early attachments style as infants, determines the pathways of psychosocial development for the future as they develop in adults (Broderick & Blewitt, 2015). The correlation between psychosocial functioning, self-confidence, independence, and social skills, maybe due to the result of infants whom experienced medical problems and or environmental influences. Some of these influences may have negative impact as it may have developed deficiencies in their lifespan development
Presenting Issues-Description Oliva Crane is now 19, developing in young adulthood, returning into counseling during a term break home from college. Her mother Carol, is concerned about Oliva’s social development, as she appears more depressed than usual. As a result of …show more content…

In his framework, Perry believes that college students go through four stages of mental and moral develop. The four states are dualism, multiplicity, relativism, and lastly commitment, then later 9 other levels. In Oliva’s current situation, I would say she is at the multiplicity level. At this level, students put trust in their own inner voice. Oliva, is distressed over all worldviews concerning school, rejection, her past child hood of her absent father, and the idea of nothing every being good enough, however she still continues to try, in which her grades show effort. With Perry’s theoretical framework, helping Oliva establish alternate plan in counseling would benefit her given her past medical and social history. As a result of negative impact on her cognitive and psychosocial development, this theory would benefit in helping her to establish a more positive sense of cognitive awareness, and develop her level of maturity as a college