Olivia Dialectical Journal

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Chapter 2
Walking past the numerous homes, Olivia kept thinking about the competition. She had always been competitive when in came to showcasing her inner talents. She kept thinking about genres, story plots and characters. After walking for another 5 minutes, she finally reached Emma's home.
She heard loud screams and the noise of broken dishes as she made her way towards the porch of Emma's home, she was about to hesitantly knock on the door. When she heard Emma calling her from behind.
"Psst..over here"
"Emma, what's going on inside?"
"I'll tell you everything, but first let's get you in, you're freezing"
Emma took hold of Olivia's arm and pulled her towards the back door of their home. As she was about to climb the stairs towards Emma's …show more content…

But today, the atmosphere in the room was different. It was dark.
"You know I always wanted a window like this"
Emma smiled "It was dad's idea to get the window in such a position, he knew I loved the night sky"
I should've just kept quiet about the window, thing.
"It's pretty."
Their conversation was interrupted, by a ring on Olivia's phone. It was her mother.
"Yeah, mom"
"Where are you?"
"I'm over at Emma's."
"Do you even realize what time it is? Come home immediately."
Olivia cut the call, she could feel the tension in her voice. Her mother never talked to her in such a tone before. She hurriedly got up from the bed and started walking towards the door.
"Olivia, where are you going?"
"I'm sorry, I have to leave. Take care of yourself."
Olivia's voice sounded almost mechanical. Her mind was a jumbled mess filled with questions. She just wanted to get home.
"But Olivia..."
Emma was interrupted by the closing of her door, Olivia left.
The walk back home, felt even more bitter and long. She kept thinking about the change in her mother's voice. She was confused at this change. She was dragging herself, her body felt heavy as the cold air hit her hard on her