One Day On Venus: Terrestrial Planets

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One day on Venus is 243 Earth days
One year on Venus is 225 earth days
Venus’s radius is 3,760 miles or 6,052 kilometers
Venus is classified as a Terrestrial
Venus has no moons

This planet being called a Terrestrial means that they are Earth like planets made up of rocks and metals with a hard surface. This makes these planets different than the others planets that lack solid surfaces. Terrestrial planets also are made up of heavy molten cores and valleys, volcanoes, and craters.

Venus has been one of the easiest planets to see in the sky science the early lives of civilization and it is not clear to say that one person found Venus science anyone back in the day could just look up into the sky and see a reddish yellow star along …show more content…

Shrouded by a thick atmosphere, the surface of Venus remained hidden until radar equipment arrived to probe the closest planet. Rocky ground lies beneath the layers of clouds. But unlike Mars and Mercury, which are both scarred by craters, Venus has a relatively smooth surface.Early in the history of the solar system, while planets such as Venus were forming, the cloud of dust and rock orbiting the sun was a chaotic place. Giant rocks pounded the surface of the newly created planets and their moons. So how did Venus escape unscathed? While Venus could have been extraordinarily lucky and missed any significant damage in the turbulent young system, it is more likely that the surface of Venus has been completely redone by volcanic activity, smoothing over the scars of its early life. The planet has significantly more volcanoes than Earth, several of them the size of Earth 's largest system, the Big Island of Hawaii.Most of Venus is covered with smooth volcanic plains, with two large "continents" standing out. Ishtar Terra lies to the north, covering an area approximately the size of Australia, while the Africa-sized Aphrodite Terra lies just south of the equator.Unlike on Earth, these continents weren 't formed by plate tectonics, nor do they sit in a sea of water; the surface temperature of Venus is hot enough to melt lead. Instead, these continents make up the "rough" patches of Venus, with canyons, trenches, and mountains. Scientists think that the massive resurfacing, which took place approximately 300 to 500 million years ago, may have "turned off" any plate tectonics on the planet, completely solidifying the crust into a single surface.The thick atmosphere of Venus also serves to shield it from bombardment even today. Only the largest of meteors make it through the clouds without burning up