
Onida Target Audience Essay

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Strategy for Communicating with target audience and the platforms that can be used to achieve this.
The market potential for Onida is extremely large in the current market, mainly due to the large increase in consumerism and also due to the needs on the consumers where even the lowest strata of the society demand for a good TV. They can capitalize on this increase in demand by bringing out different ranges at different prices. The main audience they can target is
The first time buyers: - this segment contains consumers who are buying TV for the first time and they either look for TVs that either contain the latest technology, superb screen quality and sound to consumers who look for a TV that contains varied features and which can also fit into their budget.
Multiple set buyers: - the consumers who fall under this category are large families …show more content…

It also includes television, radio and cinema advertisement and newspaper ads magazine advertisements which are usually called print advertisements. These types of methods of communication are the oldest and most successful and hence is called traditional media. The baby boomers are the most familiar with these type of advertisement due these methods being the most prominent during their time.
TV advertisement since it started has dominated the advertisement channel due to the ability of combining visual and sound stimulus. TVs were introduced during the time of baby boomers and they grew up with many programs hence TV’s advertisements are one of the best way to get their attention. Now they live in a time of extremely competitive world where upgrades and changes occur every few minutes to hours, an extremely good way to market to them is not to make them feel old but to make them feel relevant and to sell them the products on the basis of technological

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