
Ontario Conservation First Policy Essay

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Ontario has put in place a Conservation First policy and framework in its electricity and natural gas sectors to achieve its energy conservation objectives. Pursuant to this policy, Ontario has set measurable energy savings targets and concomitant obligations of various stakeholders to achieve such targets, through its various laws, regulations, policies and programs. The Philippines’ EEC Framework can certainly draw guidance from these initiatives. Under its Conservation First policy, Ontario committed that “conservation will be considered before building new generation and transmission facilities, and will be the preferred choice wherever cost-effective” (Government of Ontario, 2013, p. 20). This policy requires the Ministry of Energy and its agencies to put “conservation first in their planning, approval and procurement processes” (Government …show more content…

Distributor CDM programs Pursuant to Sections 27.1 and 27.2 of the OEB Act and the government’s Conservation First policy, the Minister of Energy directed the OEB to amend the license of each licensed electricity distributor and add a condition that a distributor shall make CDM programs available to customers in its licensed service area between January 1, 2015, and December 31, 2020. These CDM programs shall achieve reductions in electricity consumption by making province-wide or local distributor CDM programs (Ontario Minister of Energy Directive to the OEB, 2014, Section 1). Ontario has subsequently established its target to reduce a total of 8.7 TWh of electricity consumption in Ontario by December 2020 pursuant to a new Conservation First Framework formulated for the period 2015-2020. Ontario aims to achieve its target reduction through conservation projects with transmission-connected customers (1.7 TWh reduction) and from conservation programs delivered by LDCs to residential and business customers (7 TWh reduction) (IESO, Conservation Delivery and Tools). ii. DSM framework for natural gas

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