Opening Skinner's Box: The Cause Of Addiction

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In my essay I am writing about the cause of addiction. And problem or damage of addiction. Addiction is compelling of a habit. In other words someone who is addicted believes that they cannot function without the tampion in their bodies. Once you have it in your body your behavior changes and the person who once was the best person to be around with is now the worst person to be around the book Opening Skinner's Box: Alexander said " I began to consider than that the current theories of substance abuse were wrong; that people used, not because that HAD to pharmacologically, but because the substance was one valid way of adapting to difficult circumstance"(161). So in other words this means some people well think that addiction is …show more content…

And I believe that cause of addiction is from both psychology and other words I believe it cause by environment and maybe temptation. Why I pick temptation because I believe that temptation is cause of addiction. When someone is tempts to something that cant stop and they wants it so bad that it's kill them. In my point view I know what addiction to something that you cant stop. I also believe that the rat in "Rat Park" have what addiction as human so, no member the size of the rat they still have the same addiction as us. That rat have the same problem as person does. The book "Opening Skinner's Box": Alexander say" I watched a "sacrificed" animals meaning being peeled back to reveal the coils and rumples of cognition, volition, and there, a few skeins and gray stands, the weave of pleasure, sparingly monotone" …show more content…

he had Christmastime job Santa Claus in a mail. He couldn't do his job unless he was high on heroin. He would shoot up, climb into the red Santa Claus costume, put on those black plastic boots, and smile for six hours straight. I began to consider then that the current theories of substance abuse were wrong; that people used, not because they had to pharmacologically, but because the substance was one valid way of adapting to difficult circumstance"(161). So in other words this mean to me that people not use it, to get high but use it to maybe stay wake. Like the person in the Santa Clause costume he maybe use it to stay wake because he is staying there for six hours straight. But is it still bad for you. And not alone drug is addition there is so many other addiction in the world like television, computer, texting, smoking, and some other one I cant