Oppco Communication Strategy

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.0 DEFINITION Communication is defined as providing information using varied and appropriate communication mediums (tools, languages and frequency) in order to keep all stakeholders informed. ADMA-OPCO Communication Strategy defines the way communication activities are managed across the company. This strategy demonstrates ADMA-OPCO’s commitment to communicate clearly, openly, accurately, consistently and efficiently to our stakeholders and ensures that the required commitments are met. 2.0 FRAMEWORK ADMA-OPCO Communication Strategy supports an on-going process of improvement that is aligned to the company’s Vision, Mission, Values, Corporate Strategies and future technologies. Within ADMA-OPCO overall Excellence Model, communication …show more content…

The Strategy is aimed to improve communication and engagement with the employees to create a well-informed workforce, which in return is able to communicate effectively with all stakeholders. The Strategy shows how effective communications can be achieved to: • Ensure pertinent business information is effectively communicated to and from all stakeholders. • Raise employees’ awareness on all business related matters in the company. • Sustain a culture of two-way …show more content…

Proper etiquette sets the tone for all stakeholders that the business has a productive and successful environment. Attention to etiquette is a sign of professionalism and respect for others, and it will create positive first impression and will protect the reputation of the company. Reputation consists of the perception that stakeholders develop through their accumulated experience of our business through direct contact and indirect contact. A good reputation amongst employees ensures better levels of morale and an increased ability to retain and recruit staff. The following communication etiquettes will be observed by all ADMA-OPCO employees: • Communicate with dignity and respect. • Returning a phone call. • Reply official email in a timely manner. • Following up promptly on a request. • Listening intently. • Appreciative communication (greeting, saying thank you, handshake, etc.). • Communicate in a language that everyone understands. • Appropriate body language when communicating (eye contact,