Opposing Views: The Effects Of Divorce On Children

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Divorce is the legal cessation of a marriage. According to Divorce Facts and Statistics, about half of all the marriages in the United States will end up getting a divorce. When a couple decides to separate, they have to consider what is at stake; examples of things to keep into consideration are children, financial status, and whether the problem is able to be worked out. However, the most important thing to base the decision on is whether or not it is worth putting their children through. If Dr. Phil needed research to further understand future situations on his television show, it is important for him to know the following: the effects of divorce on children, the effects on children living in a two-parent home in which the parent’s marriage …show more content…

When there is a large amount of tension between a couple in a marriage, it is very likely the children will have a harder time adjusting to their new arrangements (Arkowitz, 2013). What also is important to children dealing with divorces is whether they were aware of their parent’s unhealthy relationship or not. For example, if a child was noticing their parents having an unhealthy relationship, they are more prepared for the news of divorce. They are less likely to develop serious problems and will most likely end up happier with separated parents. On the other hand, if a couple doesn’t show their problems and share the news of divorce with their children, the children will be in shock. Not being prepared for that to happen could cause the children to have more issues in their own …show more content…

The decision for divorce should not be based on only staying together to keep their children happy; this is very unlikely to work. An unstable marriage does not only affect the couple. It also affects the additional members of the household. The couple needs to be aware of the potential problems their children can develop from being in an unhappy home.
Another factor to consider is whether the divorce will affect the children’s relationship with the parents. Depending on the situation, children can potentially only be able to see one parent for a few days. With the child only being able to see that one parent occasionally, their relationship in the future can develop issues between them. Some divorces end in the children seeing each parent equally. This will help with the development of the relationship between the child and each