
Oprah Winfrey: Women In The Twenty-First Century

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Women in the twenty-first century are so impactful! They run businesses, raise children and families, hold high-up leadership positions in important companies, invent useful things, discover new ideas and ways of working, and so much more. An example of a very influential woman in the twenty-first century is Oprah Winfrey. In fact, she is even described as the most powerful and influential woman in the world, especially when she was involved in the 2008 presidential campaign. Many people look up to Oprah, as a woman as well as an influencer. If she makes a claim, many people will take her word for it and believe her without a second thought. Was it this way, though, in Jesus’ time? Were women as impactful as women in the twenty-first century? Did people around them believe their claims, or did they push them aside because they were women? In light of the manuscript evidence of the Gospel of John, it can be demonstrated that the women involved were indeed impactful and believed in their day as well as …show more content…

These now broken boundaries allowed for the disciples to see how Jesus treated the “enemy” of his time. Jesus spoke with this woman about her sexual sins (her five husbands and the man she was currently with, who was not her husband) as well as living water (which she needs, rather than water that will once again cause her to thirst). By the end of the conversation, it has clicked in the woman’s brain that Jesus is the Messiah! Her reaction to Jesus and his words is seen in verses 39-42 of John 4. The Samaritan woman “recognizes Jesus as the Messiah” and because of this, she “then tells others in her town about Jesus,” which causes Jesus to stay two days in the Samaritan town, and more Samaritans come to faith in him” (John, Jesus, and History

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