Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument

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The ‘Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument’ (OCAI) is a validated research method used to examine organizational culture. It was developed after much research by an American professor, Robert Quinn and his colleague, Kim Cameron.
The model was developed from the Competing Values Framework which consists of four Competing Values that are meant to indicate or correspond to the four types of organizational culture.
It is believed that every organization has its own mix of these four types of organizational culture. An organization can determine its unique mix by completing a short (valid) questionnaire. It is believed that the OCAI is used by 10,000 organizations around …show more content…

The leaders or heads of the organization are seen as mentors and perhaps even parent figures. The organization is held together by loyalty or tradition. Commitment is high. The organization emphasizes the long-term benefit of human resources development and attaches great importance to cohesion and morale. Success is defined in terms of sensitivity to customers and concern for people. The organization places a premium on teamwork, participation, and consensus. Leader Type: facilitator, mentor, team builder. Value Drivers: commitment, communication, development. Theory for Effectiveness: human development and participation produce effectiveness. Quality Strategies: empowerment, team building, employee involvement, Human Resource development, open …show more content…

The stronger the organizational culture, the more likely it would be for employees to be motivated to perform well on their jobs.
The Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI) is a valid instrument in assessing an organization’s culture. The model was developed from the competing values framework. There are four types of cultures under the OCAI model. They are the clan, adhocracy, market and hierarchy cultures. Performance varies depending on what cultures exist within an organization.
The need for managers to maintain strong cultures within their organizations cannot be overemphasized, as the benefits enhance the overall organizational performance.
This chapter reviewed literature on organizational culture as it affects employee performance. Literature on the OCAI model was reviewed. Also reviewed was the Competing Values Framework. The next chapter will discuss the methodology used in carrying out the