Orthopedic Surgeon Interview Paper

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Imagine for a moment, a surgeon in the O.R. performing coronary artery bypass graft surgery. Their objective is to restore normal blood flow to the heart by grafting a vein or artery from the patient’s chest, leg or arm and bypass the blocked artery to the heart. Sounds simple enough. Oh, one more thing, the grafted artery is 2.8 mm in diameter, and there is certainly no shortage of blood and other bodily fluids obstructing the physicians view. In this situation, a surgeon’s ability to stay laser focused and not take their eyes of the patient is critical. Unfortunately, not only is a surgeon tasked with the successful graft of the patient’s artery, he or she, must simultaneously monitor the patient’s vitals to make sure the patient doesn’t …show more content…

Similarly, it was important for the content of this paper, to interview a physician on how it would impact their specialty. The internet had valuable insight from anesthesiologists, general surgeons and emergency responders on how the Glass product may be useful in their lives. Fortunately, an orthopedic surgeon made himself available for an interview, and his insight was into his specialty was much appreciated. Dr. James L. Rushford, D.O., had previously head about the Google Glass product before, and heard about some of the advantages the product would bring to other specialties. Unfortunately, there has not been much in the way of its application discussed in orthopedics. There are several that Dr. Rushford was able to mention within the O.R. and …show more content…

Whether it is in the O.R. or while operating a vehicle, one must be aware of the products abilities and limitations. The very real concern for patient-doctor confidentiality and healthcare privacy laws are serious and should not be unaccounted for. However, when push comes to shove, the ability for a surgeon, oil worker, airplane mechanic or pilot to save more lives or come home safe at night deserves further research. Not surprisingly, companies like Philips, Augmedix and others have felt the same way. Is Google Glass the wave of the future, only time will