Orthros And The Counter-Cultural Patterns Of The Greek Orthodox Church

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I participated Orthros service on Saturday morning in Greek Orthodox Church. transcultural? – This church also has the one Bible, communion, baptism, one Lord. Transcultural worship was the most remarkable part among the Nairobi Statement’s categories regarding worship and culture. contextual? – Contextual worship was hard to see. The worship was focused on the traditional style of the Greek orthodox. If I have to find it, they have an English service. counter-cultural? Although the priests prayed for peace in the world, I could not hear any specific challenging issues or transformation of cultural patterns in the worship. cross-cultural? I could not see cross-cultural part. I could not see any gathering, meal and sending parts. The worship seemed like only focusing on the Word. The service starts regardless of whether the people come or not. - Every sanctuary materials seemed like important element because the priest kissed every sanctuary materials during the service. Among them, the Bible seemed the most important. One of the priests bowed toward the Bible, and he hold and raised the Bible. Furthermore, I could see lots of candles in the church. The members lighted the candles before coming to the sanctuary. Some people brought the …show more content…

However, I definitely can say who the primary leader is because the other leaders only kissed on the primary leader’s hands except the sacred materials, and the primary leader robe was different, and he had a stick and wore. During the service, the priests who wore the black robe read/sang the text, prayer and sing continually. Fathers who wore white robe seemed to prepare sacred materials, and to have worship among them on the stage, which was not main stage but inside of the main stage. For the main parts for the service, the primary leader led the service, but he only came out only about twenty minutes from the inside

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