Osama Bin Laden Research Paper

173 Words1 Pages
Bang, Boom, pow, THIS IS THE OSAMA BIN LADEN. If I was a ghoul, and of course I would be; then it would not be to hard to single out Osama Bin Laden at my name. He is the most bad of all the bad people. He also created his possessed terrorist organization and teared down the Twin Towers. Plus he crashed a plane into the Pentagon. He also fooled a lot of people into doing terrible stuff, and attempted plotting to crash a plane into the White House. When people contemplate of Osama Bin Laden people don't recall saying “of ahh what a cutie.” People pondered of the Big Bad Wolf, the meanest person of them all. People usually don't hear how atrocious he is because if they did they would be terrorized, they would not go on a to sleep at night.

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