
Oscar W. Koch Major Accomplishments

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Brigadier General Oscar W. Koch was instrumental in the development of the Military Intelligence Corps and the modern analyst, as we know it today. His many contributions, some of which were intergraded for more than fifty years have helped to shape current military intelligence history and processes of analyzing intelligence. Among his greatest accomplishments he was the deputy commandant of the first Intelligence school and his experiences in World War II as GEN. Patton’s G2 were instrumental in the future of Intelligence.
During World War II he served as GEN Patton’s G2 throughout the invasion of French Morocco to Sicily and ultimately to the end of the war. While assigned as the Third Army’s G2 he continually produced better understanding of the enemy than any other military intelligence officer on the Allied side …show more content…

Koch said that “must know its resources, natural and acquired, the details of its political structure, its economy, the attitudes of its people, their ideologies and characteristics; its climate, and its transportation and communications systems. In short, the commander must know that country as well as he does his own-or better.” (McLachlan, 1968) This is why his section studied “terrain, enemy, disposition, capabilities and weather” (McLachlan, 1968). Same principles utilized by military intelligence professionals on the modern battlefield.
Throughout his life, BG Koch contributed greatly to the intelligence community to produce better quality intelligence to the commander. Build and train future intelligence professionals on the purpose of. Post World War II Koch became the deputy commandant of the first intelligence school located at Fort Riley, Kansas. Training the future intelligence professionals with experiences learned from during

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