Our Solar System: How Close To Finding Alien Life

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The universe is a sphere that is over 92 billion light years that has over 2 billion planets. Space is a vast place that is pretty amazing. Humans can't travel throughout the universe but we have discovered many extraordinary planets right here in our solar system. Scientist have been searching for life on other planets for hundreds of years. Non-astronomers can use the facts provided to make our own predictions about whether or not life can exist. For example, the unbelievable facts about our planets like that Venus is 864 degrees fahrenheit or that the planets may have hosted seas may help us to find our conclusion. Some believe that life exist and some don’t, others believe that it isn’t worth looking for. The facts we have discovered about our universe can help us decide whether or not life can exist anywhere other than Earth.

Life on other planets is seen as impossible by some for many reasons. According to the author, Sessions of "10 Surprises about our Solar System", our solar system's extraordinary characteristics is one of them. The Earth is rich is life sustaining elements that seem to be rare in other planets. Life wouldn't be able to exist without some of these elements and they are barely found in our solar …show more content…

The article "How Close to Finding Alien Life" supports this theory by stating that scientist don't have the technology to be able to find out if life exists. The article states that astronomers believe every star has at least one planet, which means maybe one of them would be able to support life. Although this may lead to hope about life existence, scientists don't have the advanced technology to be able to travel outside of our solar system. So this indicates there is not a way to find evidence of life yet. Some believe that you need facts and evidence not just theories which isn't possible in today's

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