Outsiders In Aldous Huxley's Brave New World

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In this chapter Huxley started an argument and a topic that talks about how Bernard, John, Lenina and Linda feels outsiders no matter who they are or from where they came whether they are savages or civilized people.

In this chapter, Huxley focused on how outsiders feel from the point of being homesick or how it's hard to try to understand different cultures. Firstly let's begin with the reaction on Lenina's face when she saw how an 18 year old boy walked among snakes and being whipped by a man where the boy was bleeding till he fainted just to perform a ritual culture dance, Lenina at that time couldn't withstand it that she stared saying "let's go away", "oh, stop them, stop them!", "I don't like it" and "too awful,oh I wish I had my soma" (pg 107, 109, and 110).

Secondly, when Bernard and John (director's son) started talking and how John started saying that he always felt isolated and rejected, partly because his mother slept with so many men and partly because the people of the village never accepted him, in fact he started complaining on how because he is white that he wasn't allowed to do any Indian rituals or cultural things just like any other Indian "but they wouldn't let me. They disliked me for my complexion. It's always been like that. Always" John said (pg 111).