Overeaters Anonymous Interview Analysis

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Interview of a Recovering Person in Overeaters Anonymous “One is fortunate very few times in life and I am grateful to be an addict!” This was a statement by a person who claimed that she considers herself to be a recovering addict. When meeting her in the rooms of Overeaters Anonymous (OA), this author was not expecting to hear those familiar lines of gratitude or self-proclamation of addiction from a woman in the rooms of OA. Nonetheless, one must be impressed with this woman’s account of her consequences, challenges, and hope, while she shared her life-story of what it was like for her, what happened, and what it was like now as she struggles to stay abstinent. Through her narrative in this assessment style interview, the affliction of addiction through the eyes of an over-eater will be explored.
Client Description The client is a 46-year old single, Caucasian woman who estimates her weight between 240 and 260 lbs. She stands at approximately 5’ tall and looks her chronological age. She was dressed comfortably in flowing clothes and presented herself in a neat and clean fashion. She sustained a cheerful and alert disposition throughout the interview. She maintained good eye contact and spoke with clarity, confidence, and thoughtfulness.
Presenting Issue She was …show more content…

During those times she would “load up on junk food,” such as cookies, cakes, potato chips, and Twinkies. She remembered that her eating episodes would last through the night. She recalled a sense of “despair” and felt “depressed and disgusted” as she felt a loss of control throughout these occurrences. She stated that she would continue to “gorge” herself even though she did not feel physically hungry, and that she would not cease until she felt physically sick to her