Overfishing In The 1800s

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It is believed that the Cro-Magnon Man had fished to survive over forty thousand years ago. Fishing was a way of life for many to survive and continues to be a vital resource today. Until 1800’s where overfishing was introduced. Fisherman fished for whales for their blubber to fuel their oil lamps. The term “overfishing” is used when a species is killed too quickly and not allowing their species to recover and reproduce properly. Overfishing is very devastating to a fish species and causes a massive chain reaction change of the biological system. The ocean is a complex biome that contains over a million different types of plants and animals. The ocean covers over 70% of the Earth. On average the ocean surface water is around 63° (F). The world’s largest mountain range is consumed by the ocean. The Mariana Trench is close to 36,200 feet deep. The average depth for the ocean is 12,100 feet and the maximum depth is 36,068 feet deep. Mount Everest is only 29,029 feet tall. Over one million species discovered in the ocean so far. Many scientists believe there are a lot more to be discovered. Ocean is a very complex biological system and tends to be very delicate. Overfishing was introduced in the 1800’s when fisherman began fishing for whales to …show more content…

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