Overt Aggression

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Peters, Cillessen, Riksen-Walraven and Haselager (2010) considered how children’s aggression and prosocial behaviour are related to the preference and popularity of their best friends. Participants were 1,953 fourth-graders (52.2% boys). Measures included peer nominations of friendship, peer status, overt and relational aggression, and prosocial behaviour. A total of 334 reciprocal same-sex best friend dyads were identified. The Actor-Partner Interdependence Model (Kashy & Kenny, 1999) showed that best friends’ peer status significantly predicted children’s behaviour. For boys, best friends’ preference was negatively associated with overt aggression, while best friends’ popularity was positively associated with overt aggression. For girls, …show more content…

600 subjects (spectators) were selected randomly from the spectators viewing contact and non-contact games of national level competitions. For the contact games it was football, boxing and wrestling and for the non-contact games it was volleyball, badminton and lawn tennis. An equal number of subjects i.e. 100 each were taken from the above mention games. To measure aggression, aggression questionnaire constructed by Buss and Perry (1992) was administered and to measure violence, the Maudsley violence questionnaire constructed by Julians, (2005) was administered. The psychological test was administered at a placed with no distraction or minimum distraction. The subjects were taken in groups of 25, in order to have control over them by the investigator himself. All the tests were administered one after the other with the equal number of samples. Throughout testing, the researcher was tried to follow the same time schedule. To determine the significant differences among different spectators of three contact and non-contact games, Analysis of Variance was applied. To compare mean differences among the spectators of contact and non-contact games, Mann Whitney tests was applied with the help of SPSS computer software. The level of significance was set at 0.5 level of confidence. Anger and behaviour of acceptance of violence differs significantly among the behaviour of spectators of …show more content…

For the present study 50 players were selected from various college players of Aurangabad. The effective sample consisted of 50 subjects. The age range of subjects where 18 to 22 years. Aggression scale (AS) developed and standardized by Dr. G.C. Pati (1976) was used and the test consisted of 16 Items. The subjects were required to respond to each item in terms of ‘seldom’ , ‘sometimes’ or ‘frequently’. The reliability coefficient of the test was found 0.82 with Spearman Brown formula. The validity coefficient was found 0.71. Verbal intelligence test (VIT) developed and standardized by R.K. Ojha and K. Ray Choudhury (1994). The test consisted of 203 Items. The subjects were required to respond to each item in terms of ‘yes’ or ‘no’. The reliability coefficient of the test was found 0.87 with Spearman Brown formula. The validity coefficient was found 0.91. Each of the three instruments could be administered individuals as well as a small group. While collecting the data for the study the later approaches was adopted. The subjects were called in a small group of 20 to 25 subjects and there seating arrangements was made in a classroom. The tests were administered and filled copies of each test were collected. Following the same procedure, the whole data were collected. Low intelligence interuniversity players have significantly high aggression than high intelligence