P1: My Communication Style

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Lp1: My Communication style

When it comes to my communication style there is a lot that I discovered while I was deep in thought reading the text that was assigned to me. As I read the selection I starting to ask myself questions. These questions lead me to using my resources to discover how I communicate with others. I tend to not use Clear and concise language when it comes to my communications style. I use a lot of slang and jargon when I speak or type. When it comes to using parallel channels of communication I don’t tend to use it like I should. I normally tend to pay close attention when it comes to the timing and of my email or phone call. Unless the idea pops in my head to send out the email late at night when the thought is in my head do I disregard the time. When it comes to my audience I tend to ask what is the best form of method works best for them. So, I can say I do look at my audience when it comes to my communication style. Active listening with me …show more content…

The reasoning behind this is I think there is a lot I need to work on but I tend to have a lot of it figured out it just being able to improve what I feel is right. I tend to use a lot of social media. I am on Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, and Instagram. I also so a lot of the texting and emailing, I tend to only call out when I feel I absolutely must. I think that the positives to being on all the social media is it is an effortless way to stay in contact with family and friends. It also gives us a more understanding on what is going on in the world and how a person feels about a certain topic. But I do see the negatives on not knowing someone’s tone in the message and we put it in our own context. Or we think a post of negativity is aimed at us and it really isn’t. I think by improving my skills it will make me more profiecty in a professional level and I would be able to use social media more in a professional