Pablo Picasso Research Paper

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Since the beginning Picasso's been destined for greatness. His ambition and talent has paved the world with his masterful art. When he was a kid his mom would always influence him with words telling him if he entered the army, he would be a general, if he became a monk he would become a pope. In his early childhood he was intrigued with art and drawing. Myth is that Pablo's first word was ‘piz’ an attempt to say lapiz which translates to pencil in the english language. At a young age Picasso's dad was teaching him how to draw and paint efficiently, pretty soon his work surpassed that of his father's. Picasso would draw all day at anytime, he would often get in trouble in school to purposely get sent to a room where he was isolated and …show more content…

He applied to the School Of Fine arts at just 14 where the school would accept seniors or a little after that age, but Pablo being 14, completed the admission that would take usually a month for the average student, within a day. Picasso did not last there that long, for his skill was to great even for the School of Fine Arts. He eventually began skipping class there to roam the streets of Barcelona to sketch and draw statutes, structures or whatever caught his eye. After this period when Pablo turned 16 in 1897, he then moved to Madrid to attend the Royal Academy of San Fernando. Here however, things were not so …show more content…

During the ages of 1901 to 1904, Picasso entered a stage where people eventually ended up to call the “blue period”. The art of this time period would be influenced by a tragic event that occurred in Picasso's personal life, the death of a close friend known as Carlos Casagemas. This would impact Pablo's life and art heavily. Picasso art work would consistently contain different shades of blue that would amplify the sadness and distress of his paintings. During this time some of his famous paintings included “The Old Guitarist”, “La Vie”, and “Blue Nude”. Picasso then found a helping hand to pull him out his sad, dark abyss. He fell madly in love with a woman named Fernande Olivier. This got him to shift over to a different period known as the “rose period”. During this time he used colors that gave warmth and joy to his art, such as shades of pink and red. Best known paintings in this time were “Gertrude Stein” and “Two