Pacific Senior Living Essay

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Research is now suggesting that aging adults that living retirement communities are not as sad and lonely as other member of their cohort (Retirement Villages: Tackling the loneliness epidemic? 2016). Living a retirement community decreases the likelihood of the feelings of being isolated. People who live in retirement community experience loneliness (12.17%) while people in other living arrangements experience loneliness 22.83% (Chen, 2014). I like Pacific Senior Living. This living center takes care of residents physical, cognitive and psychological care. One method that Pacific Senior Living deals with the residents in a psychological way is by allowing them to have a pet. Pets off comfort to people especially the elderly. Having a pet stops you from just sitting around being lonely. The residents are in control of their central air and heat. Making choices about what the individual reinforces that they are in control. This gives them a feeling that they are still in control of their life (Pacific Senior Living, 2016). So for there has been nothing but strengthens seen in this community. There is a weakness in the …show more content…

In formation is given on Alzheimer’s Disease, Arthritis, Depression and other types of information. There is a music program where I pod’s load with music are given to the residents who are having memory problems (Pacific Senior Living, 2016). Music seem to have a dual effect on the resident. One it helps keep them calm and relaxed. Two listening to the music over and over they start to be able to use their memory in a more efficient way. Here again the only weakness I see is there is a need for a psychiatrist or a therapist to deal with the patients that have depression, or any other memory loss issues. Music is a good idea for residents with memory problems. There are children’s games that are simple and if played off it may help that individuals