Palliative Care Ethics Case Study

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What is the best recommended course of action for the client at this time, and why?
Not a specific day or time is assigned to Gerri’s death. She could die before the estimated times or live longer after that time. The last decision is totally up to God. In the meantime, she would seek help to find any additional treatments that could sustain the issue or seek task that will require less headache. In regard to work, which will accumulate more headaches, is not the best option. I recommend spending time with her son and helping him make future plans after high school is very important. Concerning his living environment, discussion the issue with the aunt and friend’s parents is very important toward making the decision. Telling the son about the life changing situation would be …show more content…

Note how the APA’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct might provide guidance. Evaluate the unique scholarly perspectives presented in your research to support your recommendations.
Moir et. al (2015) express how nurses are skilled based on knowledge and education to communicate with patients and families about palliative care. They provide the information in a way that is understanding to the patient and family. In regard to the scenarios, first the nurse must be educated in order to explain the concept to us. As we are educated to receive the information, we must be educated to process the information and give feedback on the best decision. According to Gerri, her nursed educated her to receive and explain the concept (situation) to share with others.
As my recommendation was made about Roger, Holland et. al (2014) discussed how the long-term care could reduce the end-of-care medical cost. If Roger was to decide to stay on the machine and spend more time with his family (which believe in prayer and faith) his medical bill would reduce at the end of his life when finally taken off the