
Pandora Is Much More Than Jus Character Archetypes In Prometheus

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Society can learn valuable lessons through ancient myths. A myth, psychologically, means part truth and part fiction. Therefore, myths can teach people, through interesting tales of journeys of heroes, about important life lessons. It can also teach us about our past mistakes or ways to prevent further mistakes. For example, in the myth of Prometheus, it shows us how greedy, power-hungry leaders could lavish themselves with goods while their people suffer. This is a lesson that over time society has learned through brutal dictators and kings. Also, Prometheus argues that society should take a stand against these establishments to help better life as a whole. People should take a stand for what is right even though it may come back to hurt you. Myths have also been used as symbols and images. Myths, as put by Richard Jewell, "represent different elements of our own psyches or souls." They can be much more to us than …show more content…

It is probably one of the most prominent archetypes in myths. In Prometheus, the character archetype is the temptress or black Goddess. In this case, the temptress is Pandora. She is the one that ultimately brings the "downfall" of mankind. Pandora is the reason for suffering and disease. She was forged by Vulcan into a beautiful women that has many gifts bestowed upon her by the gods. Unfortunately, one of those gifts that was bestowed upon her was the gift of curiosity. Jupiter sent Pandora down to become Epimetheus's wife knowing that her beauty would allow her to be accepted into their home. One day Pandora was thinking about the box and how Athena told her to never open it, but she was still curious "it must be jewels". Pandora thought that the box just contained innocent jewels. However, she was to tempted to open it and then caused the suffering of mankind. Her beauty got her into the world and accepted by the people and her curiosity brought about the suffering of

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