Paoli Fall Festival Research Paper

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Paoli Fall Festival Parade. On September 10, the Paoli Fall Festival Parade took place. “As far as scoring is concerned - we were the ONLY band at our Fall Festival Parade - so it was easy to be in "1st Place," Said Mr. Laughlin, The Pride of Paoli Band Director. 25 to 30 years ago, many bands came to the local town parades and participated. In 1999, we had 10 bands at the Mitchell Persimmon Festival ... for it was their 150th anniversary and they paid the bands to come). These days - most bands (such as ours) are out every Saturday traveling to contests around the State of Indiana. Sundays have become a "day of rest." However - it is really important to represent your community at the hometown parade, so Paoli Band is glad to do their

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