
Paper Hearts By Meg Wiviott Character Analysis

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“403 girls per stable, 25 girls per stall in stable, 21 girls per koje.” (Wiviott, 81) This is a quote from the book Paper Hearts written by Meg Wiviott. This book is about how two Jewish girls we're thrown in camps, tossed away like garbage. Meg Wiviott used the motifs of being imprisoned and having no identity to show the them that even in darkest times of the holocaust, people still found reasons to smile. The motif of being imprisoned is shown when girls we're shoved into stables (Wiviott, 81). Even though people we're tossed around like cattle, people found a way to keep going. Like I said people were put in stables with many others so in these time they had to make friends with who they could to get through it. Another time the motif is shown is when the camps were bared with barbed wires and electric fences (Wiviott, 66). This shows the theme by proving that even when people are forced together in barbed wires, they can still work together and make lifelong friends. A final time the motif is shown is when Mala and Edek ran away but unfortunately got …show more content…

This shows the theme because when she threw herself from the train she was thinking that she would be happier dead. Even though she was seconds from her death she turned around and smiled at the Jews before squeezing out of the window. Another time the motif is shown is when Zlatka was doing the Germans dirty work (Wiviott, 173). This shows the theme by proving that Zlatka couldn't support herself/her religion. When she was making weapons for the Germans she said she was a traitor to the Jews because she was making weapons to defeat her own kind. She would either make the weapons or be killed. The only reason she smiled was because the boss secretly delivered packages of food to the Jews because he did not support this madness. Zlatka got a pound of cheese and another girl got a

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