
Paper On Baptism

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Baptism is an important step to becoming a Christian. It is the foremost important part to unite with Christ. Becoming one with Christ takes great understanding, one must know the meaning and history of baptism and how it has changed over time and its relation to the bible, also, why it is important and what it does to the Church and to Christians, what are the traditions when being baptized, and the symbols that relates with it.
Baptism comes from the Greek word "baptizein" meaning, "to cleanse spiritually." It is an important process because through baptism we are reborn again and freed from our sins. Baptism welcomes us to the world of Christianity and we become new members of the Christ and the Church. Anyone who is regretful of …show more content…

John the Baptist was the final prophet of the Old Covenant; his teachings include the necessity of Baptism. Back then, Baptism could take place in any place where there is water such as lakes, oceans, stream, pond, etc. Christians had built baptisteries in catacombs in Rome during the time of imperial persecution. After Constantine’s conversion and the legalization of Christianity throughout Rome, large baptisteries were constructed. These baptisteries had baptismal fonts, where they perform the baptism. Only then, baptism was done only on the festivals of Easter, Pentecost, and Epiphany, thus, the need for larger facilities to be able to baptize more people. In addition, baptism could only be performed by bishops, so, people needed to travel to churches where the bishops were officiated. The practices relating to the sacrament is a very crucial part. In some churches, baptism could be done during infancy brought up by their parents or guardians. While other churches, baptism is done only when the person is ready to make a personal confession of faith. In churches that baptize during infancy, usually someone stands as a godfather or godmother, whether it is a family member or friends. Some churches perform baptism as sprinkling water over a person, but some had their whole body is submerged in …show more content…

It cleanses us from our sins, and we become the members of Christ. Many evangelical churches, including Baptists, Pentecostals, and Calvary Chapels see the baptism as a symbol rather than a sacrament. When people go through baptism, they are proclaiming their faith to Christs and along with other believers, that they are all members of one body under the authority of the Lord. Baptism illustrates the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. When one is submerged in the water, it symbolizes the death or burial of the old life and when one is brought out, it symbolizes the new life as a child of God. There is a lot of meaning behind the actions of baptism and each hold a special meaning to

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