
Paper On Heteronormativity

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Introduction Even though there is a growing knowledge and acceptance of the LGBT community, heteronormativity is still very much the hegemonic ideology that dominates our American culture and society. While the simple definition of heteronormativity is the assumption that heterosexuality is the normal default setting for men and women, there are actually three basic components to this concept that should be taken into account when analyzing through the lens of heteronormativity. According to Schilt and Westbrook (2009), the three basic components of heteronormativity are “the assumption that there are two genders and only two genders, that gender reflects biological sex, and that only sexual attraction between these ‘opposite’ genders is natural or acceptable” (p. 441). Ultimately, heteronormativity promotes, reinforces, and normalizes the gender binary system, heterosexuality, and, more importantly, the masculine/feminine dichotomy in …show more content…

I asked a total of five questions: What do you think is appropriate sexual activity for men to engage in? What do you think is appropriate sexual activity for women to engage in? What are your thoughts on transgender people in American society? What images or thoughts come to mind when I say “gay men”? What images or thoughts come to mind when I say “lesbian women”? As was explained in the previous paragraph, heteronormativity assumes the existence of only two genders, thus, reinforcing traditional gender roles and expectations; therefore, I was very surprised to see the amount of influence that heteronormative ideals had on not only heterosexual men and women, but also within the LGBT community, a community that automatically challenges heterosexuality simply by virtue of

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