Everyday we keep thinking. Think of what are we going to eat? Think of what are we going to do? A well-known French philosopher Descartes propose that”Cogito ergo sum”, in English it means "I think, therefore I am".We can see how importance thinking is. And there are two thinking system critical thinking and parallel thinking. Critical thinking is a system of thought and reasoning established to evaluate claims. Parallel thinking is an associate idea of six thinking hats, and it requires intelligence, experience and knowledge of group members. Comparing critical thinking and parallel thinking, I prefer parallel thinking most. This essay is going express my point of view by real life example. Critical thinking is not uncommon for most of …show more content…
Nowadays, parents are very concern about children’s academic result, and many of them decided to send their children to foreign country for further study. Based on the above issue, we can analyse it by critical thinking. The purpose of the parents is to let their kids have a good academic result so that they can find a job with a better salary. But is there any problem inside the issue? Is that the children’s want ? Is that truly good for children’s life? etc. To answer the question, we have to familiar with this issue. For example, how many Hong Kong parents will send their kids oversea for further education, how much is the tuition fees etc. Then, we have to choose a stance , for or against. After that, we need to have some assumption, such as we may assume kid may not make some bad friends, kids have a good discipline. Before we draw a conclusion , we have to apply our known concept ,for example property of teenagers,to interpret our point of view and …show more content…
The sequence of hat this time have a little bit different from the individual. Red hat would be apply again this time. This time we also start with white hat, everyone need to let ourselves more familiar with this issue, we have to know how many public housing do the government planned to build, what is the property price before and now etc. Then, everyone wear red hat to express their own idea and point of view on this issue to the group mates.After that, everyone should wear yellow and black hat one by one in order to analysis the issue on both positive and negative sides,for example, build up more public housing may increase the employment rate, developer hegemony may tend more serious. Follow on, everyone should wear green hat so as to think of other method which can also reach the ultimate goal. And everyone should wear red hat again, after worked on this issue how do everyone feel about that, it there any change of point of view? Finally, everyone wear blue hat to organize all things and conclusion can be