Parallels Between Religion And Science By Stephen J. Gould

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As revealed in its title, this article summarizes ideas regarding parallels between religion and science. It starts off by defining these two principles, claiming them to be two entirely separate bodies of knowledge. To further expand on this understanding, a summarization by Stephen J. Gould was provided. His summary introduces a principle known as NOMA, which stands for “non-overlapping magisteria.” Through this, he explained that science and religion both have their own type of authority over knowledge. He stated that these two principles have their own “magisteria” and in fact did not clash with one another. This article continues by agreeing that there are certain questions that can only be identified by either religion or science, but introduces the idea that those who believe that religion and science clash, are misunderstood by the lack of information provided on the issue. In support of this, the article continues on by explaining that what is highlighted by the media in many cases, is …show more content…

Beginning with how religion affects science, this article provides support regarding areas where religion has assisted in the development of modern science. To support this, statistics regarding scientists and their religious standpoints were provided. This is significant because it revealed that 62% percent of scientist that were surveyed, turned out to be devoted to religion. With such a large percent being associated with religion, it can be proved that the compatibility of science and religion is quite extensive. Showing that religion does in fact have a significant impact on the development of science. However, to avoid misinterpretation, this article does clarify that modern science still would have developed if religion were not a contributing factor, but reveals it has had a lot to do with the backbone of scientific understanding we have