Summary: The Importance Of Parent-Teacher Association

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There are many activities and events available which enable parents to support their children and the school at which they attend. These range from in-school activities such as voluntary work, parents evenings and PTA’s to events based outside of the school such as fundraising events and bake sales. These activities all provide a certain level of support from parents and carers, either helping the school with areas such as staffing, or supporting their own child in their educational attainment. Parent-Teacher Associations (PTA’s) are made up of parents/carers and teaching staff who are each responsible in some way for the welfare and teaching of a child/children in their care (Stonebridge course materials). Importance is relayed upon collaborative …show more content…

Fundraisers, cake sales, social events and craft fairs can all be participated in by parents/carers, often with the intention to raise funds for the school. A financial amount is often a target, with a particular project in mind such as an extension to the school, or new and updated resources to be purchased. Parental participation can add great value to monies raised for the school, initially providing valuable support to reach a financial target, but in the long run benefitting children through the creation or update of their school in some way. Additional help can be provided to the school through a parents’/carers’ willingness to participate in some form of voluntary work. Help with reading support within classes can prove invaluable in helping children with their reading skills and comprehension, but also greatly helps the school through freeing up support staff that are then able to work in other areas, reducing their workload significantly. Supporting staff on school trips and sports tournaments also reduces the pressure on schools to provide adequate staffing levels, as CRB checked parents and carers can instead carry out these supervisory duties. Similarly, help with breakfast, after school clubs and lunchtime supervision reduces additional staffing costs for the school. Parents/carers can also offer to extend children’s learning and knowledge of the world through specific career talks and the running of special interest clubs such as art, yoga or sports clubs. This provides much extra-curricular opportunity for the children, subsequently extending their development in many areas. Although voluntary work including the above examples primarily provides immediate support to the school, time within the school and around other children allows parents/carers to acknowledge and understand current trends which could allow them to engage in more positive

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