Parents: Parents And Positive Role Models For Children

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Families or parents are responsible for providing children with basic needs that comes automatically; these needs would include security, food, clothing and shelter. According to Engle and Black in their article, parents are also responsible for transmitting cultural and educational values and help children adapt to societal demands and opportunities. It is imperative that parents are positive role models for their children. Students often learn from their experiences and then gradually adapt to society’s culture. Bergeson (2006) find that communities, families and school need to have good partnerships and at the same time have programs that can aid struggling students. Parker, Greer, and Zuckerman, noted that children that are grown in poverty are more exposed to risks in their home and communities, these would include illnesses, crowding and family stress, lack of psychosocial stimulation, and limited resources. These children usually experience more serious consequences and risk than those children from higher income families (p. 24). Lacour and Tissington, argued that although parent income impact students in different ways, the education of the parents is equally just as vital. They went on to say that mother’s education had more significant effect on children’s scores than income. This includes how a mother speaks, plays or interact with her child/children. Most of these homes consist of single parent or extended family. It was also noted that a mother’s education