Parlor Walls In Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury

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Scientists have been making advances in technology and science since the beginning of time.This may make life easier for us but no one ever thinks about the consequences, what bad can come out of all of this good? Who is to blame for the negative impact the advances can have on the world? Is it the Scientist or is it the people using it?
Many readers ask themselves the same questions when reading Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. In this book the society is heavily reliant on Technology and the advances in science. One of the main focal points in the book seems to be the Parlor walls. These are large TV’s that cover the entirety of a wall in a house. This allows more high quality motion pictures and also allows for interaction with the show you’re watching, scripts being read at appropriate times during the program. You could say it breaks the 3rd wall in the TV world, letting you talk and interact with the actors in the shows you love. Let’s take …show more content…

Some ways this could be used for good is kinda hard to see in the story line because we only really hear it being used to feed the technology hungry people of the society but let’s assume that there are other ways the Parlor walls are being incremented into this world. With the walls we have the ability to interact with the programs on the TV, this could help students who are training in, let’s say medicine, to practice procedures and interactions with patients before they’re released into the hospital. Now let’s take a look at the bad aspect of the parlor walls, in Fahrenheit 451 the parlor walls are shown only really as a distraction. Mildren is a great example of this, she values the walls and is attached to them, when Montag reveals the books to her she doesn't report him even though she thinks that books are the devil. Why? Were not given a clear answer but with the way she interacts with Montag verses the way she interacts with her